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All you need to know about joining our club

What to wear.

Jogging Bottoms or Shorts


No need to worry about footwear because we train barefoot.


The first 3 lessons are totally FREE of charge!

Once you have attended your first free 3 lessons it is only £6.50 per lesson or £6 each if two people are training.

There are NO hidden cost's and NO joining fee, you can just pay as you train!

We also offer a direct debit plan if you would rather pay monthly.

Once you are ready to grade you will need to apply for a SSKA Licence which means that you are insured and you are also a member of our association Shukokai Shito-Ryu Karate Alliance. A SSKA licence is only £25.00 per year.


Once you have started training you only need to attend 10 lessons to be eligible to grade and go for your first belt!

A grading is £25.00 this includes the cost of the grading and the belt.

On the grading day you will be grading with other students in the club. You will demonstrate what you have learnt in the club in front of our qualified Grading Officer (Sensei Natasha-Paris Matthews), once you pass you will be awarded with an official Shukokai Shito-Ryu Karate Alliance Certificate and Belt.

If you are interested in joining the club please fill in the form below or contact Sensei Natasha-Paris Matthews for more information.

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